Indian Student Life in Georgia 2024-25: Accommodation, Academics Culture etc.

Indian Student Life in Georgia: Thinking about studying abroad in Georgia? You are about to start an amazing journey as an international student in this beautiful and friendly country. Georgia offers a great mix of rich culture and excellent education, making student life here both fun and rewarding. You will get to be part of a lively student community and explore the diverse culture of Georgia.

Georgian universities are well-known for their strong programs, especially in medicine. The cost of studying MBBS in Georgia is much lower compared to many other countries, including India. Each year, many students choose Georgia for its affordable medical programs and supportive student environment. If you are considering studying in Georgia but are worried about your stay and student life, this page will help you with all the information you need about Indian Student Life in Georgia.

Accommodation Choice

Indian students in Georgia have several housing options:

  • University Dormitories: These are usually the most affordable and are located close to your classes. Living in a dorm helps you meet new people and settle into your new environment easily.
  • Private Rentals: If you prefer more privacy, you can rent an apartment on your own. This option is more expensive but gives you complete freedom.
  • Shared Apartments: Sharing an apartment with other students can save money and offer a good balance between having your own space and living with others.

Academic Environment

  • Quality Education: Georgian universities are known for their good education, especially in MBBS. The way classes are taught might be different from what you’re used to in India, but the education is excellent.
  • Support Services: Universities offer various services to help you adjust. They provide orientation sessions, academic counselling, and language support to make your transition smoother.

Diversity and Culture

  • Friendly Atmosphere: Georgia is known for its warm hospitality. Indian students are welcomed with open arms, which helps them feel at home quickly.
  • Cultural Engagement: You can join in local festivals and cultural events. This is a great way to experience Georgian culture while sharing your own traditions with others.

Extracurricular Activities

  • Active Student Life: There are many activities outside of classes, like sports, arts, and cultural clubs. Joining these activities helps you make friends and stay engaged.
  • Opportunities: You can also get involved in community service and leadership programs, which are both fun and help with personal growth.

Cultural Life

  • Exploring Georgia: Georgia offers a rich cultural experience. You can visit historical places, enjoy beautiful scenery, and try local Georgian food.
  • Socializing: Participating in local events and traditions helps you connect with the culture and create lasting memories.


  • Language Barrier: The main language in Georgia is Georgian, though many people speak English, especially in universities. You might find it challenging to communicate at first, but universities offer language support to help you.
  • Cultural Differences: Adjusting to new cultural norms and social practices might take time. Being open to learning about Georgian customs can help make the transition easier.
  • Food: Georgian food is different from Indian cuisine. You might find it challenging at first, but there are Indian restaurants and grocery stores in big cities where you can find familiar foods.
  • Climate: Georgia’s climate can be different from what you’re used to in India. You may need to adapt to colder winters or hotter summers.
  • No Indian Embassy in Georgia: There is no Indian Embassy in Georgia. If you need assistance, you will have to contact the Indian Embassy in Armenia or use their consular services.

Studying in Georgia provides Indian students with an excellent education and a rich cultural experience. With various housing options, strong academic support, and lots of chances to engage with Georgian culture, your time in Georgia can be both fulfilling and enjoyable. Embrace the opportunities and challenges to make the most of your experience.